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Los Angeles Living Shoreline Project

Creating an innovative multi-habitat living shoreline at Dockweiler State Beach in Los Angeles.

The project aims to restore approximately four acres of sandy beach and coastal bluff habitat and implement a pilot restoration to establish adjacent offshore eelgrass within a one-acre footprint.

This project will establish a healthy living shoreline that can support native plants and animal species both in marine and terrestrial ecosystems, while providing enhanced ecosystem services to the community, including benefits to wildlife, carbon sequestration, water quality improvement, nursery habitats, shoreline and sediment stabilization, dune formation, storm protection, and nutrient cycling.

One of the primary goals is to evaluate its potential to help buffer effects of climate change such as sea level rise and erosion caused by large-wave events. The nature-based adaptation methods will help stabilize the shoreline, minimize coastal erosion, and maintain coastal processes while protecting and enhancing natural habitats for aquatic and terrestrial species.

Project Partners: California State Coastal Conservancy and the Honda Marine Science Foundation as well as Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors, City of Los Angeles, California Department of Parks and Recreation, Integral Consulting Inc., Paua Marine Research Group, California Coastal Commission, US Fish and Wildlife Services, Los Angeles Audubon, Loyola Marymount University’s Coastal Research Institute, UCLA, and UC Davis.

Project Status

In Planning

Point of Contact

The Bay Foundation

Project Website


Los Angeles Living Shoreline Project Restoration and Monitoring Plan for Beach and Bluff Habitat

March 10, 2022

Los Angeles Living Shoreline Project Restoration and Monitoring Plan for Beach and Bluff Habitat

LA Times Feature on Reviving Dunes in California to Address Sea-level Rise

September 17, 2021

LA Times Feature on Reviving Dunes in California to Address Sea-level Rise


The Network and this website were made possible with support from the Honda Marine Science Foundation, California Sea Grant, and the Climate Science Alliance.

© 2021 California Dune Science Network

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