Carpinteria Shoreline Management Plan
A plan for the City of Carpinteria shoreline that includes a restored dune system and sediment/cobble nourishment.
The purpose of the Dune and Shoreline Management Plan is to conceptualize a living shoreline dune system that would protect the shoreline and landward infrastructure against coastal hazards and future sea level rise. The living shoreline concept includes a dune restoration adaptation strategy that would provide important benefits to coastal recreation, natural ecosystems, beach neighborhood, and the local economy.
The Dune and Shoreline Management Plan would guide the development of a conceptual design and maintenance program for a living shoreline consisting of a stabilized dune system combined with a cobble and sediment nourishment program. The objective of the strategy is to protect landward resources and critical infrastructure in the beach neighborhood, areas north of Carpinteria Salt Marsh, and Downtown while minimizing beach erosion.
Project Partners: The City of Carpinteria, Moffat and Nichol, and Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions.
Project Status
In Planning
Point of Contact
Erin Maker, Environmental Program Manager, City of Carpinteria
Project Website