An experimental project using green engineering techniques to restore coastal dunes at Border Field State Park, San Diego.
In Progress
Esplanade Bluff Restoration
A long-term restoration plan to restore Esplanade Bluffs to its original habitat, including expansion of critical habitat for endangered species.
In Planning
Malibu Living Shoreline Project
A dune habitat restoration project to increase the resiliency of the shoreline at Zuma and Point Dume Beaches.
Morro Bay State Beach Restoration
Restoration of 4 miles of dunes on a sandspit in Morro Bay, CA with stabilizing straw bales and invasive iceplant removal.
In Planning
Oceanside Dune Restoration
Restoring coastal dune habitat with green engineering techniques to benefit wildlife, public structures, and sand retention in San Diego, CA
Pillar Point Harbor West Trail Living Shoreline
Restoration of West Trail using an engineered dune feature to provide a safe path to Mavericks Beach Area in San Mateo County.
Ponto Living Shorelines Project
Experimentation of the effectiveness of different green engineering techniques to restore dune habitat at Ponto State Beach, Carlsbad.
Seabright Beach Coastal Enhancement Project
A project in Santa Cruz restoring coastal dune, strand, and bluff habitat to protect the shoreline and serve important wildlife.
In Progress
Wadulh Dunes Restoration Project
A restoration project in Humboldt working to restore biodiversity, and morphodynamics, as well as increase climate resilience
Cardiff Living Shorelines Project
An engineered dune system in Encinitas, CA to protect Pacific Coast Highway and enhance beach habitat.
Humboldt Coastal Resilience Project
Dune enhancement and restoration in Humboldt and Del Norte counties with plans for additional restoration.
In Planning
Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project
Increasing the resiliency of three acres of Manhattan Beach to improve coastal protection and public engagement.
In Planning
Ocean Beach Middle Reach
A plan for this San Francisco beach area to re-establish a more native dune morphology and ecosystem by recontouring and revegetating sand embankments.
In Planning
Ormond Beach Recreation and Public Access Plan
Restoration of a large area of coastal wetlands that includes dune habitat and enhancing public access at Ormond Beach, CA.
In Progress
Point Conception Dune Restoration
A dune restoration project focused on hundreds of acers of invasive species removal at Point Conception in Santa Barbara, California.
Salinas River State Beach
A restoration plan to remove iceplant, increase native plant density, and increase foredune resiliency to wave impacts in Moss Landing.
In Planning
Stinson Beach Feasibility Study
A study of Stinson Beach, CA evaluating the feasibility of developing a resilient beach and dune ecosystem to enhance habitats, improve equitable recreational access, and provide flood and erosion protection.
In Planning
Carpinteria Shoreline Management Plan
A plan for the City of Carpinteria shoreline that includes a restored dune system and sediment/cobble nourishment.
In Planning
Los Angeles Living Shoreline Project
Creating an innovative multi-habitat living shoreline at Dockweiler State Beach in Los Angeles.
Marina Dune Preserve Restoration
Restore native dune strand and coastal scrub species to enhance resilience of the Preserve in Marina, CA.
Oceano Dunes Restoration
A large transgressive dune system near Pismo Beach, CA where dune restoration efforts include revegetation as a means for foredune re-establishment.
In Planning
Pacifica State Beach Restoration
Restoration of coastal dunes to restore wetland processes, working to reduce flooding and erosion hazards, improve habitat, and enrich recreation in Pacifica.
Point Reyes National Seashore
A series of projects near Abbotts Lagoon in Marin County to restore some of the largest expanses of native dune plant communities in California.
Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project
The first dune resilience pilot to test the feasibility of restoring dune habitat at a historically groomed and high traffic beach in L.A. County.
Surfer's Point Managed Shoreline Retreat Project
A dune resilience case study at Surfer's Beach, Ventura, CA combining adaptation strategies of habitat restoration, infrastructure realignment, and managed retreat.